BJ MacLuskie
Theatre Instructor
BJ took piano lessons through 10th grade and had some lines as a starfish in her 4th grade play, but she was more nerd and writer than performing artist through her school years. After majoring in art history at The College of William and Mary (B.A. '95), she married her college sweetheart, Dave, and worked in W&M's Alumni Records office until December 2006. The birth of BJ and Dave's daughter, Kaylee, in 2005 brought BIG energy, imagination, and dramatic play into their lives, front and center! Following Kaylee's lead, BJ found herself immersed in music and movement classes and a wonderful series of adventures at Centerstage, where she started volunteering behind the scenes in 2012. She's substituted at Centerstage occasionally to assist with Stage Explorers and MTTP classes, and she's delighted to join the Stage Explorers teaching team now as bona fide faculty!
BJ very much believes in mindfulness, being where you are, and choosing which direction to face in life ... and then collaborating with life, sometimes taking its lead. She's as amazed as anyone that her recent years have included chapters as a competitive barebow archer, ultralight backpacker, and ultra distance athlete (who completed 50 miles, in honor of her 50 years, in the 2023 Virginia 24 Hour Run/Walk for Cancer) and now as a theater teacher too--all by virtue of trying to keep up with her husband and daughter! BJ is excited to be teaching Stage Explorers by her daughter's side, working together to help the class kiddos develop theater skills (= LIFE skills!), and nurturing all their precious selves!
"You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here." ~Max Ehrmann